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10 day till the AmplyRed Flashmob: How to participate!

Tags: u2, torino, iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE TOUR 2015, u2placetour, u2ietour, i+e Tour, AmplyRed, Flash Mob

Next week on September 4th and 5th during the two concerts in Turin at Pala Alpitour, as we previously mentioned we will perform AmplyRed!
With AmplyRed we aim to amplify the message conveyed by U2 during the performance of Where The Streets Have No Name in support of (RED)™ in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

How? We will colour both the grandstands and the parterre of Pala Alpitour with thousands of red spots.

In order to realize it we are providing you with an image that you can download starting from now www.u2place.com/amplyred and later display it on your smartphones or tablets.
On both evenings, during the performance of Where The Streets Have No Name, display the AmplyRed image on your smartphones or tablets screens.

If this should not work for you, you can still use either the torch in your phone or a simple lighter of to give your own contribution; you could also wave something red in the air (a scarf or else). To get an even more spectacular result we ask you, if possible, to wear something red.

Only 10 days to go…!

Scritta da: Staff il 25/08/2015

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La community online più famosa e più importante in Italia sugli U2

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